How did you get started in programming?
I started programming when I was 8 or 9…. I started using computers from the Apple ][ & ][e’s that were at Sherman elementary with Apple Basic… After conquering that, I was able to start using a CP/M based system with Dual 8″ floppy’s, and started working on their version of basic…
About a year later, the Timex Sinclair ZX-80 was conquered… For fun, try to make a graphical version of monopoly on the Timex Sinclair… That has to fit within 16K, and runs off the cassette loader….
Other computers followed, but I did not started any serious projects until after switching to White Box PCs… And starting Matrix Technologies…. I started writing Bulletin Board Utilities, and eventually started helping maintain, and develop QuickBBS….
Sadly, due to a variety of issues… Most significantly my development box dying, work overload, and too much stress caused a re-evaluation of my QuickBBS development…
What languages have you used since you started programming?
This is tough. Apple Basic, QBasic, 68xxx Assembly, MS Pascal, Turbo Pascal (one of my favorites), C (Blah!), AppleScript, Python (my favorite). I have forgotten even more languages, including CBasic, QBasic, etc…
What languages do you plan to work on learning?
I keep planning on sitting down and working through Objective-C. But my dislike of C, and lack of free time keeps forcing me to back burner this….
What’s the most fun you’ve ever had programming?
I have had a lot of applications that I have enjoyed programming, even had fun with… The Indigo Security script has been a AppleScript pain, but has been fun in expanding my Applescripting experience…
The Software Licensing software kit that I worked on a few years back was a cross-platform Python bash! Involving ODBC, Windows specific code, Macintosh Specific code, Unicode, and ReportLab (PDF Library) riots… I learned a heck of a lot regarding Unicode, and while frustrating it was really satisfying…
If there is one thing you learned along the way that you would tell new developers, what would it be?
While being cynical, it is something to be aware of. Just because you write your new software package, does not necessarily mean you will be able to make a living off a shareware software package.
Keep programming because of the love of product, and don’t allow yourself to become a slave to a particular project. My 4 year daughter keeps reminding me that there is a world away from the computer. It’s important to be able to get up from the programming chair, stretch your legs, and step away for a few minutes…
Also Document your code! I can’t say this enough… Documenting is the most annoying but needed part of any project. I eventually started a format that I liked, and it has saved me so much time and energy.
Help yourself in the future by adding a sniplet of code in your documentation that demonstrates how to use the function / module / subroutine… While this isn’t immediately helpful, in 6 months, you’ll come back and there maybe a nagging question on how the routine passes data… And the example will be helpful…
– Benjamin
The idea for this post came from Toxic Software’s blog ( )….