A Challenging game — Portal

Want a game, that doesn’t require you to be a mass murdering combat soldier? Or a hot rod driver being chased by the police?

How about a game guaranteed to make you think, but that has a large humor quotient?

Take a look at Portal… I insist… Really…


From Wikipedia:

In Portal, the player controls the character named Chell from a first person perspective as she is challenged to navigate through a series of rooms using the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device (“portal gun” or “ASHPD”). The portal gun can create two distinct portal ends, orange and blue. Neither is specifically an entrance or exit; all objects that travel through the one portal will exit through the other. However, a portal shot cannot pass through an open portal; it will simply fail or create a new portal in an offset position. If a portal of the same color as an existing one is created, the previous portal is destroyed. Not all surfaces are able to accommodate a portal. Portals can not be created on moving objects, glass, special wall surfaces, liquids, areas that are too small, or particle fields. Chell is sometimes provided with cubes that she can pick up and use to climb on, or to hold down large buttons that open doors or activate mechanisms. Particle fields exist at the end of and within some test chambers that, when passed through, close any open portals and disintegrate any cubes carried through.

Portal’s plot is revealed to the player via audio messages from GLaDOS (voiced by Ellen McLain) and side rooms found in the later levels. The game begins with Chell waking up from a stasis bed and hearing instructions and warnings from GLaDOS about the upcoming test experience. This part of the game involves distinct “test chambers” that, in sequence, introduce players to the game’s mechanics. Chell is promised cake and grief counseling as her reward if she manages to complete all the test chambers.

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