I can’t even begin to describe how good of a recap & examination this io9 coverage is of lastnight’s episode of Dollhouse…
Click on through for the dirt on Dollhouse…
Dollhouse Was The Best Thing On TV Last Night [Dollhouse Recap]
Joss Whedon keeps his promises – last night’s Dollhouse was a handsome reward to everyone who’d been paying attention to the series’ first five weeks, while still introducing the basic premise to the newbies.
Oh, and this write-up includes spoilers, but don’t worry… it’ll be just like if your husband got together with another dude. Nothing queeny, and you won’t even remember the spoilers afterwards.
Okay then. So last night’s Dollhouse worked fantastically well on several levels. First of all, it worked on the level of a twisty, turny thriller with all the crazy revelations and mysteries.
Click on through for more…
…. Dollhouse Was The Best Thing On TV Last Night [Dollhouse Recap]