Consider a hypothetical country with 1,000 top notch weather stations and the perfect unchanging climate (which our AGW friends imagine used to exist before they were born.) During the first year of operations, every station will necessarily set a high and a low temperature record on every day of the year.
That is a total of 365,000 high temperature records and 365,000 low temperature records. During the second year of operation, each day and each station has a 50/50 chance of breaking a high and/or low record on that date – so we would expect about 182,500 high temperature records and about 182,500 low temperature records during the year.
In the third year of the record, the odds drop to 1/3 and the number of expected records would be about 121,667 high and low temperature records.”
(View the rest of the article at Are Record Temperatures Abnormal? « Watts Up With That?)