Doctor Who’s Next Title Teases Anagram Addicts?

Well, [Echo Effect] The Planet of the Dead [/Echo Effect] has been shown, and I give it a 8 out of 10… But already the speculation is on regarding the next Doctor Who Movie that was teased at the end of Planet of the Dead…

“The Waters of Mars”. Remember how RTD used the codename “Torchwood” for the first few episodes, and the rush tapes for the 2005 season? Why, because it was a anagram of “Doctor Who”….

Well, the brainy folks are saying, wait a second “Waters of Mars” is a anagram of “War of the Masters”. Masters == The Master? While possible, I think folks are digging a little to deep here. Sure I loved John Simms as The Master… Well, okay, I thought he cranked it up to “11”, maybe just 1 notch too far…

We’ll have to see, as they say, time will tell.