Five Tips for Reading Apple Security Articles

Tidbits has an article on Five Tips for Reading Apple Security Articles. My own view is that almost every situation we have heard about, what has infected the macintosh has been a trojan. Not a computer virus…

But the Tidbits article does point out items which you should be aware of when reading Computer Security articles…

Some days it seems the entire world is waiting with bated breath for the eventual fall and demise of Mac security. From industry publications to the mainstream press, even the slightest Mac security hiccup spurs an onslaught of articles, debates, and even the occasional cable news headline. Some stories declare us invulnerable to attacks, while others give the impression that by the time you jump up from your armchair and rush to your Mac, it will already be infected and funneling your life’s savings and family photos to Nigeria. For us Mac users it can be difficult to discern the lines between truth, hype, and outright fantasy.

As someone who spends most of his time reading, writing, and speaking about security, there are five things I tend to look for in Apple security news to cut to the heart of the story. After all the hype in recent days over the ‘Mac botnet,’ I thought it was time to share some of my skeptical tricks.”

(View the rest of the article at TidBITS Safe Computing: Five Tips for Reading Apple Security Articles)