We Won! Time Warner Killing Usage Caps “In All Markets

I am trying to find a second source to verify this, but according to Stop the Cap (http://www.stopthecap.com ) Time Warner Cable has officially stated that they are shelving plans for the tiering of the internet…

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and I stood side by side this afternoon in front of Time Warner headquarters in Rochester to announce that Time Warner has shelved its broadband tiering nightmare.

“In the face of enormous community opposition and at Schumer’s urging, Time Warner will shelve the plan for all of their test markets,” Schumer wrote in a prepared statement.

StoptheCap! confirmed moments ago with the senator’s press secretary that this effectively ends tiered pricing in EVERY Time Warner market.

Stop the Cap! · We Won! Time Warner Killing Usage Caps “In All Markets” – SITE IS BEING POUNDED… PLEASE BE PATIENT.

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