Debt Payment in Pennies

An online discussion regarding the Pirate Bay, led me down this road, and I thought I would share…

Claim:   U.S. law specifies that merchants do not have to accept more than 100 pennies in payment.

Status:   False.

Origins:   This is one of the pieces of misinformation that makes me wish web sites like this one had been around when I was a kid so I have could pointed my father toward it and told him to shut up already. I can’t recall how many times he solemnly intoned that ‘Pennies are not legal tender in quantities greater than 100’ and therefore merchants were ‘legally’ allowed to refuse any offer of payment that included more than one hundred one-cent coins (and, presumably, could not ‘legally’ refuse payment offered in any other form of legal tender). As with so many other things he was dead wrong (and I knew it even then), but I had no way of proving him wrong. I can now, though.

(View the rest of the article at Debt Payment in Pennies)