Yet again, the telecom providers can’t do simple math. Verizon was often the laughing stock, but now it’s AT&T’s turn. Adam Savage was quoted 0.015 cents per kb (1.5 cents per kb) for a access in Canada, and look at his $11,000 bill for an hour or two of web surfing…
Bad Math Strikes MythBusters’ Savage: “etherlad writes ‘MythBusters’ Adam Savage got a bill charging him $11,000 for ‘a few hours’ of Web surfing while in Canada, using his AT&T USB Mercury modem. AT&T gave him a quote on the data rate: ‘.015 cents, or a penny and a half, per kb.’ Looks like AT&T didn’t learn from Verizon’s inability to do math. AT&T is also claiming Savage downloaded over 9 GB, which he calls ‘frakking impossible.’ Savage’s huge following on twitter got him a speedy response by AT&T.’