I can’t believe that someone would expect us to believe this…. Â But, it is on the Huffingtonpost…. Â But supposedly Gerald Sindell, has had a iTablet, and is breaking rank & file, throwing away his NDA… Â And not expecting to be sued by Apple…(It’s bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad humor. Ignore it, maybe it’ll go away…)
But with statements like these?
For those whose habits have been formed around their iPhones, be very, very careful when your iTablet rings for the first time. That urge to whip the thing with its ginormous 10 inch screen up to your ear is going to play havoc with your eye. In the small group of folks I ran into who were returning their demo versions, most of us had nasty shiners.
Apple assures us that final production versions will come with training corners — foam wedgies that will soften the blow until the user gets used to answering the giant device. And the second mod will be a catcher’s mitt-like webbing on the back of the iTablet so you can one hand it.
When you’re not in your car, the embedded cameras creates iMirror, and one of the coolest apps we’ve seen so far is iTrim. Male or female, select your hairstyle from dozens of possibilities, and then iTrim gives you cut by cut directions so you can do it yourself. You might need a little help for the back and top, or you can sync up two iTablets and put them on the Infinite Barbershop Mirror setting.
Do I really have to say it? Â Really? Â This has got to be someone’s idea of a joke, and it’s certainly not my idea of a joke.
If this is the Huffington Post’s idea of a joke, then I think I can safely say they have no sense of humor, and really should be ignored.