ArsTechnica had a small tidbit regarding iPhone 3.2 OS (iPad only).
Thankfully, Apple has addressed this in the iPad-only iPhone OS 3.2. The documentation for the SDKindicates that it uses a “shared folder” that any iPad application can read and write. This shared folder will also mount as a disk whenever an iPad is plugged in to a Mac or PC, allowing easy file transfer.
This shared folder solves the problem of transferring files, and allowing one app to read data from other app’s files. Nonetheless, Apple could take this capability and extend it further. Apple could leverage iDisk to keep this shared folder in sync between a Mac and an iPad over-the-air, instead of relying solely on a wired, USB connection.
One complaint with the iPhone / iPod Touch, that I often hear is that there is no longer any way to easily use it as external storage for your computer…
Well, this certainly does solve the problem, especially if this is backported to the iPhone / iPodTouch versions of the OS. Â Since the OS is the same, I would assume that this has already been done, just not released yet.