Destructoid – Preview: StarCraft II single-player

Destroid reviews the Single Player version of StarCraft 2…And expands on their own review….

Back at the end of July, I got to go back to Blizzard headquarters to take a look at StarCraft II once again. This time, instead of crushing other publications under the might of my hydralisk swarms, I got some hands-on time with the single-player mode of the game. I also got the chance to speak with Andy Chambers, the lead writer for the game, as well as Chris Sigaty, the lead producer, who gave us some interesting insights into how the single-player mode of the game was created and the challenges they faced while working on the game.

Read the rest of this review at Here…)

Destructoid – Preview: (More) StarCraft II single-player

You may remember that, last summer, I gave you a look at how StarCraft II’s single-player mode was shaping up. Earlier this week, we were invited back to see what’s changed as the game gets closer to release.

Because most of the fundamental gameplay systems haven’t changed, this is going to focus mostly on the three new levels we saw, how they eventually decided to handle the research aspect of the game, and the new Challenge Mode. If you’re not familiar with the overall structure of StarCraft II’s single-player campaign, read my previous article before continuing on.

(View the rest of the article at Destructoid – Preview: (More) StarCraft II single-player)