M. Night Shyamalan Finally Made A Comedy [Movie Review]

You giggled at The Happening. You snorted at The Village. But now, for the first time ever, former indie auteur M. Night Shyamalan has set out to make a gonzo comedy on purpose, with The Last Airbender. Spoilers ahead!

IO9 is trashing The Last Airbender movie…  If it’s half as bad as IO9 states, then I can’t see anyone handing M. Night Shyamalan any money for movies again….  Of course, I said that about half a dozen movie’s back for Uwe Boll….

There is some great feeling here in the review, for example:

Shyamalan has boiled every epic heroic story of the past 20 years down to its most basic, primal soup-y essence, so he can spray it all over the audience, in a kind of Hero’s-Journey bukkake. You will be finding chunks of Joseph Campbell’s calcified spooge behind your ears for three days after watching this film, no matter how many times you bathe.

I hope this is just a bad review, but SCIFI…..  Sorry…. SyFy Wire doesn’t exactly have a positive review, either…

Take a gander yourself, and let us know…

(View the rest of the article at M. Night Shyamalan Finally Made A Comedy [Movie Review])