iPhone 4 still the most reliable smart phone…

According to a recent research survey, iPhone 4s are the most reliable smartphones, while still being the most prone to accidental damage. Third-party warranty provider SquareTrade looked at their SquareTrade Care Plan database and analyzed failure rates of over 50,000 smart phones covered by the company’s Care Plans, finding that the iPhone 4 had the least […]

iPad Breakaway

When was the last time you saw an AT&T iPad commercial?  Here’s an Verizon commercial though….

Using Video Surveillance to Catch the Neighbors – NYTimes.com

The NY Times is covering the use of Video Surveillance to defend your property.  The same technology is often also being used in home automation systems as a way to monitor your property…. STEVE MILLER is justifiably proud of the manicured grounds around his stately stucco home in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. So he was […]

Why shouldn’t I disable legacy USB on a laptop?

What’s the “Legacy USB” feature mean in the Bios? The legacy USB bios setting allows the bios to take a modern USB keyboard & mouse and to make it look like a PS/2 style keyboard and mouse. This allows you to easily use the Windows installer, and other packages that might not have USB support […]

Allow the Mac DVD Player to skip the commercials…

Why won’t the DVD player in OS X allow me to skip certain content or change audio/subtitle tracks on certain DVDs? you ask. Well, the first answer is UOPs, or user operation prohibitions, and the second answer is probably some sort of licensing blah-blah-blah that prohibits Apple from ignoring UOPs in their software. But the real answer […]

First Google TV Teardown reveals 2008 netbook inside…

iFixit has torn apart a Google TV Revue, and discovered a few things…  I’ll summarize, but please go to First Google TV Teardown for the full details… 1.2 Ghz ATOM processor 1 GB DDR3 RAM 5 Gb of NAND (Flash) memory for storage So not a remarkable machine for $400-500, plus accessories….