Hard drive making a weird noise

My Samsung hard drive is making some weird noises. Sometimes, the noise stops but then starts again within a few minutes. It’s warranty is out of date, so I am worried that the noise may indicate an imminent failure. First,….. Backup your data. Now. Please, Back it up… Back up your data if you even […]

2414U & 1132U with DirectX = pain?

Check out the warning below that Smarthome includes in their literature for the 2414U Insteon controller: Using PowerLinc USB & PowerLinc Controller with DirectX Input Devices It is advised that you unplug your PowerLinc when playing games that use Microsoft’s DirectX system while using USB input devices like joysticks. I have run into this problem […]

How to find out what display is connected to your Mac…

How can you find out what display is connected to your macintosh?  Well, on the desktop’s you can examine the monitor, probably…  But what about your laptop? Open a terminal window, and type this in: ioreg -lw0 | grep IODisplayEDID | sed “/[^<]*</s///” | xxd -p -r | strings -6 For example: [nerv:~] benjamin% ioreg […]

Indigo 4.1.1 Released

4.1.1 is now available for download. In addition to the major 4.0 improvements and 4.1 features, this update includes: Added remote link management capability for INSTEON EZSwitch30 module. Fixed bug that caused benign “unknown command bytes” error to be logged. Fixed bug that caused “Report error on receiving corrupt commands” preference to be ignored with […]

The iPhone & IpodTouch and ActiveSync!

I was just asked what ActiveSync flags that the iPhone supports…  What am I a mobile phone expert?  No, not really, but I certainly know where to find the information… The iPhone Enterprise Deployment Guide is freely available from Apple ( http://manuals.info.apple.com/en_US/Enterprise_Deployment_Guide.pdf ) [See pages 8-10], and covers what is and isn’t supported by the […]

First thoughts on the 2412U PowerLinc Modem from SmartHome

Folks, Here’s the first thoughts on the 2412U…. (Please note, my first glance at the 2413U is here) The first issue to realize is that the 2412U is slightly more complex then the 2414U to use with Indigo.  Currently it requires a driver to be installed, before it can be used by Indigo…  I assume […]

EZFlora Stops Responding

The EZFlora products, for those that are unfamiliar with them, is a Insteon based sprinkler/irrigation controller.  Connect your valves to the zone terminal block, and you now can control it via insteon. But an EZFlora firmware update (v2.4) seemed to have a bug in it, eventually the EZFlora units would lock up, and you would […]