Disable AirPort when Ethernet cable is connected

From MacOSXHints… At my office, I needed to find a way to turn of the wireless network when someone plugged in their network cable. I also did not want them to be able to turn the wireless network back on until the network cable was unplugged. I came up with the fallowing solution. I created […]

How do I remove invisible folders from Time Machine?

Normally to remove a file or folder from Time Machine, you would open Time Machine, highlight the file or folder, and then choose Remove from Backup in the options pull down. But to do this with an invisible directory in the Finder by using Go -> Go to Folder… (command-shift-G) and enter the path. Once […]

Ease Screen Sharing in Snow Leopard

One method to help automate screen sharing with Mac OS X, was to create a vncloc alias for each system that you were connecting to.  In 10.6 this has been mostly automated. To find these shortcuts, navigate to your user’s Library -> Application Support folder, where you’ll find a folder named Screen Sharing. Inside that […]

Preference plist was NOT a dictionary — solved?

The full post on this is here, but I wanted to make sure that everyone saw this, since there is a lot of traffic on this issue…. I believe that a solution has been found in the Apple Customer forums…  The following command, will reproduce the plist was not a dictionary error message… /System/Library/CoreServices/PreferenceSyncClient.app/Contents/MacOS/PreferenceSyncClient –sync […]

Macintosh Dashboard may bring the first real OS X Virus…

First, Breathe…  Yes, take a few deep breathes…. You see, we’re all doomed…  Yes, indeedy, doomed I say.  After all, the Macintosh Dashboard is the vector which all viruses will be created with in mind…  And Windows viruses will disappear due to the popularity of the Dashboard vector….  (SLAP)…  Sorry, I needed that, I was […]