How many access points are recommended (for Insteon)?

Well, this is a tricky question, since there is no one answer that is correct. First, use the Insteon Health Tool, run it a few times, and get a decent average to see what s working and what is not. Second, pull out your existing SignalLinc, and AccessLincs, and try the health tool again. Next, […]

Python Indigo Restful API – Update

I have updated the SVN server, and now have a example command line application in there (, it duplicates the device report plugin, reporting to screen or CSV file the devices that are in your Indigo Database. Screen Example: Device Name: Kitchen Task Lighting IconDescription: None (N/A)Address: 07.A0.B7Device Type: ICON ApplianceFirmware: 2.8Status: offLast Updated: 2010-08-15Device […]

Indigo Server authentication

I am working on an python wrapper around the Indigo Restful interface, and discovered that the Indigo Server requires remote logins to be with a Digest based password.  Is this good?  Yes, indeed it is.  Digest authentication is designed to be the significantly more secure and when your talking about the security of your home […]

Indigo 4.1.12 Released

4.1.12 is now available for download. In addition to the major 4.0 improvements and 4.1 features, this update includes: Fixed bug that prevented EZIO input status broadcasts from occurring on some EZIO modules. Perceptive Automation – View topic – Indigo 4.1.12 Released.

Indigo 4.1.11 Released

Perceptive Automation indicates that  Indigo 4.1.11 is now available for download. In addition to the major 4.0 improvements and 4.1 features, this update includes: Improved robustness of PowerLinc 2413 auto-reconnect after power failures. Added Web (HTTP) RESTful device toggle capability. Added a variable to the iTunes Attachment.scpt file that, if present in Indigo (it isn’t […]

My insteon module is constantly beeping…

I’ve tried hooking up a SwitchLinc Dimmer model 2476D, and I’m getting a continuous tone. According to Smarthome, In the SwitchLinc, KeypadLinc, and ToggleLinc dimmer models revision 5.0 or higher, there is a detection circuit that tests the load (your lights) for mis-wiring or an incompatible load when power is first applied. The Insteon module […]

Interface to an Alarm (Ademco, Vista, First Alert, etc)

Interfacing Indigo with an Alarm system (Ademco, Vista, First Alert, etc)…. Instead of hardware hacking, this thread discusses was to use off the shelf hardware with your Home Automation & Security System. Perceptive Automation – View topic – Interface to an Alarm (Ademco, Vista, First Alert, etc).