Indigo & iTunes together?

Folks, I am currently working on a Web Plugin for Indigo that will be able to drive iTunes natively…  You will be able to control your playlists, and drive iTune’s volume levels from the Web GUI… Anyone interested?  If so, please let me know at Benjamin AT Schollnick DOT net…  I will be looking for […]

Everything I Know About Parenting I Learned from Mythbusters

GeekDad has an article up, regarding Everything I Know About Parenting I Learned from Mythbusters. The geek cult around Mythbusters extends beyond the myths, urban legends, and movie magic that hosts Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage bust on the Discovery Channel. Through their science and creativity, the lessons learned on that show are also inspiration […]

Indigo Security Script Graduates to v3! Now with Insteon Goodness….

The Indigo Security Script is now officially upgraded to version 3.0! The major difference is that the Security Script now supports Insteon sensors, for example, the newly shipped TriggerLinc’s.  I have fixed a variety of bugs, and made some enhancements as well… Feel free to download the new Security script from the Homepage for the […]

Do you want your house to twitter?

Here’s some code that will allow you to Twitter your Indigo Insteon Traffic….  It will Tweet when a device is turned on or off…Just place it in the Attachments folder for Indigo.  If you have any suggestions, improvements, or questions, just let me know. If there is interest in it, I may continue to develop […]

TriggerLinc (2421) Review

The TriggerLinc, is Smarthome’s newest Insteon based device, taking place of X10 based Security Sensors…. The DS10A is the X10 equivalent of the TriggerLinc, and provides the majority of the sensor coverage on our house, and has been quite reliable…  But does have some range issues…  From customer reviews, it seems that the DS10A should […]

Security Script Feature Survey

Folks, I am attempting to find out what features are used in the Security Script….  So could anyone that uses the security script, please fill out the survey.   Thanks in advance,       —  Benjamin  [SURVEYS 1]