Indigo Security Script v1.50A

This is the newest version of the Indigo Security Script… This now includes code that will check for out of date heartbeats (ie. Defective Units, or low/out of Battery) and either warn via Growl, Indigo Log File, or even Email! Some of these changes were suggested by Scott Buchanan… And some where added after examining […]

Indigo & FrontRow

Folks,I promised that I was working on this, and here is a screen capture of the proof of concept of Indigo working via FrontRow. What you are seeing right now, is just a display of the status of the devices in Indigo.I still have significantly more work to do on it, including figuring out the […]

RemoteLinc & Controlinc Templates

Here are two templates in Pages for users of SmartHome’s Home Automation tools… They need some clean up, but I whipped them up fairly quickly…. (The Control Linc shows it’s roughness). [download id=”7603″] [download id=”7609″] If you modify, or fix them up. Please let me know… (and send me a revised copy) – Benjamin

Daring Fireball: Vacation, All I Ever Wanted

From John Gruber, a good example of the happiness & frustrating of being a parent to a youngster…. Elise hasn’t gone this far yet, but we’re waiting for this to happen to her….. – Ben Daring Fireball: Vacation, All I Ever Wanted: ” We’re on the boardwalk in Wildwood, New Jersey. It’s just past 9 […]