Python Indigo Restful API – Update

I have updated the SVN server, and now have a example command line application in there (, it duplicates the device report plugin, reporting to screen or CSV file the devices that are in your Indigo Database. Screen Example: Device Name: Kitchen Task Lighting IconDescription: None (N/A)Address: 07.A0.B7Device Type: ICON ApplianceFirmware: 2.8Status: offLast Updated: 2010-08-15Device […]

Indigo Server authentication

I am working on an python wrapper around the Indigo Restful interface, and discovered that the Indigo Server requires remote logins to be with a Digest based password.  Is this good?  Yes, indeed it is.  Digest authentication is designed to be the significantly more secure and when your talking about the security of your home […]

Indigo 4.1.12 Released

4.1.12 is now available for download. In addition to the major 4.0 improvements and 4.1 features, this update includes: Fixed bug that prevented EZIO input status broadcasts from occurring on some EZIO modules. Perceptive Automation – View topic – Indigo 4.1.12 Released.

Indigo 4.1.11 Released

Perceptive Automation indicates that  Indigo 4.1.11 is now available for download. In addition to the major 4.0 improvements and 4.1 features, this update includes: Improved robustness of PowerLinc 2413 auto-reconnect after power failures. Added Web (HTTP) RESTful device toggle capability. Added a variable to the iTunes Attachment.scpt file that, if present in Indigo (it isn’t […]