Hot Weather in Richmond this Weekend

[youtube tVEPvXBEOSE] In this spoof forecast that aired on WTVR CBS 6 in Richmond, Virginia, TV weatherman Aaron Justus had some fun by predicting several supernatural events, like volcanic eruptions, a global superstorm (which will be deflected by Godzilla, naturally) and more. Amazingly, he does the whole forecast without laughing. (Found on Laughing Squid)

Titanic in SUPER 3D

Titanic is back, after been digitally upgraded with new 3D motion Feel technology…. It’s super, it’s fantastic, and you need to see this trailer!

Tiger vs. 3.5 Million Toothpicks

Here’s a clever promotional piece from AVG… AVG puts two people in a jungle. All that protects them from a tiger are toothpicks. See if millions of toothpicks bonded together into a cage are enough to keep the tiger at bay.