President Obama vetoes the Mutant Registration Act!

Yes, I know… It’s the Onion… But I still can’t believe that they (the Onion) have the Gall to do this. I have called Sentator Kelly, and I believe the Sentinel’s are currently in flight…. They were seen heading toward’s the Onion Headquarters, according to the last known sighting of them….


I finally got annoyed enough at to find out why I can’t highlight anything on the site.  I use the site quite often to debunk emailed chain-letters from family and friends… But, I can’t reliably cut & paste from the site.  All I can do is Select All & Copy…  Which typically meant alot […]

Desks On Roof? Cypress Creek Students Pull Prank

Desks On Roof? Cypress Creek Students Pull Prank ORANGE COUNTY — It’s almost the end of the school year, and for some high school students, that means it’s senior prank time. Approximately 100 school desks, chairs and tables appeared on top of 40 portables at Cypress Creek High School overnight Tuesday. Investigators said it likely […]

MacJournals News : Legal Copy

MacJournals News : Legal Copy We had planned on including the transcript of the HD screen full of tiny disclaimer text in Apple’s new ‘Legal Copy’ television ad, featuring Justin Long as ‘a Mac’ and John Hodgman as ‘a PC,’ in the next issue of MDJ. Honestly, though, once we got it entered, we realized […]

Hacking Your VCR Yields Monster Results

Hacking Your VCR Yields Monster Results: “ Roy sent me the link to this awesome VCR hack just when I needed some entertainment (that Daylight Savings Time lost hour is weighing heavily on me right about now).’ I could use another iPod Touch, so maybe I’ll stay awake an hour or so longer and pull […]