Happy Birthday, HP Lovecraft

Howard Phillips Lovecraft (August 20, 1890 – March 15, 1937) – the finest and most inspirational horror writer of the 20th Century. To learn more about one of my favourite authors check out his Wikipedia entry or The HP Lovecraft Archive. To discover his impact on role-playing games, and the evergreen Call Of Cthulhu game, […]

DC Adventures, play report #1

Overall, a successful migration from Mutants & Masterminds v2, to DC Adventures.  Many of the players decided to switch their character concepts, so it took slightly longer than expected to retool their characters to DCA, for 6 players, it was roughly 2 hours to completely redesign or migrate their characters (Roughly 20-25 minutes per player). […]

DC Adventures… Character Builds

Well, Mutants and Masterminds 3rd Edition…. Excuse me, DC Adventures is effectively out… It was on sale for Gen Con, and Green Ronin has a pre-order sale that allows you to purchase the Dead Tree edition, and receive the PDF for $5. So, here’s some pointers: SpiderMan (PL 10)WonderWoman (PL 14)Martian Manhunter (PL 14)Captain America […]

Adventure Generator!

Here’s One Awesome Dungeon Generator.  It will create any arbitary cave style dungeon…  Quickly too, but keep in mind to scroll down for the actual map…  (It’s below the fold of the page) via Google Reader (994).

Fantasy Earth Zero???

Am I the only one that hasn’t heard of this? A really free MMO? It’s been only since February 2006, and evidently just recently became available in the US…. I guess I don’t feel so clueless, but still… And the comic is from Reallifecomics… (March 05)

Paratime Design Cartography

Here’s a resource of Sci-Fi inspired maps from Paratime Design Cartography – Spaceships…. There are others maps, old school Black & White, and Textured…  Along with your typical Mountain Fortress, etc… Take a look, and you might see something you can use in your campaigns…

The Time Travellers Companion…

What a day this has been for Doctor Who fans! Not only has the BBC screened its new one minute trailer (see below) for the new season (starting at Easter) with Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor (an advert clearly designed with its 3D use in cinemas in mind) – but Game Geeks has done […]