Star Trek D.A.C. for Mac

I hate to sound like a me-too-er, but this pretty much sums up my thoughts on Star Trek D.A.C. for Mac. I can’t believe that I was suckered into purchasing it for $9.95…  Simply don’t do it.  Instead go find a copy of Asteroids, and you’ll be much happier… Star Trek: D.A.C. (Deathmatch. Assault. Conquest) is […]

Review: Borderlands: The Secret Armory of General Knoxx

Destroid reviews Broderlands: The Secret Armory of General Knoxx. I would imagine that, if I were to ask any given Borderlands fan, they’d tell me that the third time’s the charm: following ‘The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned’ and ‘Mad Moxxi’s Underdome Riot,’ Gearbox’ third DLC pack, ‘The Secret Armory of General Knoxx’ might be […]

PhonePower — A user review

About a year or so ago, we switched from Time Warner Cable’s Digital Phone package, to PhonePower… And we haven’t looked back since, overall, the features, are much better than Time Warner’s offerings:

The Writer’s Tale, Final Chapter…, has run a list of 20 things that you can learn from “Doctor Who: The Writer’s Tale (The final chapter)”. This book contains emails, script excerpts, and details directly from Russel T. Davies, and discusses the concepts, and ideas, that may or may not have reached the TV screen. Included in that list, is […]

Here’s to the crazy ones…

Ars Technica’s John Siracusa is having flashbacks…  He is reviewing and commenting on his 10 years of Apple Mac OS X reviews… The latter half of the 1990s was a dark time for the company then known as Apple Computer, Inc. Windows 95 had dashed any remaining hopes of mass-market desktop dominance for Apple. The big […]

Really, really first glance at the PowerLinc Modem 2413U

First of all, this is based on less than 2-3 hours of real use, so I will be following this up later in the week…. But, here’s the details so far. The 2413U Insteon Dual Band PowerLinc Modem (2413U) is faster than the 2414U, and the 2412U.  The Dual Band nature does seem to speed […]

Speed Optimizations?

Folks, I would love it if anyone would send me any feedback (or comment to this post) regarding the speed of the site…  I have been tweaking the site a bit, to try to optimize the speed, and would like some feedback…