Mirror’s Edge 2?

According to Destructoid, EA is considering a sequel to Mirror’s Edge: Mirror’s Edge looks all set for a sequel, despite the less-than-stellar performance of the first game. After all, Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello wants the game to get another chance, and he’s the man with the power to let it happen. He also said that […]

Wireless Ready, the new deception?

When did the word “Ready” get redefined? Definitions of ready on the Web: completely prepared or in condition for immediate action or use or progress; “get ready”; “she is ready to resign”; “the bridge is ready to … mentally disposed; “he was ready to believe her” cook: prepare for eating by applying heat; “Cook me dinner, […]

Stud or Dud? This iPhone App’s a Dud!

I’ve suspected for a while that many of the “Public” information services on the Internet are shady, completely automated or at least have poorly researched & managed sources. The technologizer has put this to the test though. They used several iPhone / iPodTouch applications that are suppose to check your prospective “date” for criminal backgrounds, […]

First thoughts on the 2412U PowerLinc Modem from SmartHome

Folks, Here’s the first thoughts on the 2412U…. (Please note, my first glance at the 2413U is here) The first issue to realize is that the 2412U is slightly more complex then the 2414U to use with Indigo.  Currently it requires a driver to be installed, before it can be used by Indigo…  I assume […]

Darkest of Days demo, reviewed…

First, I’ll have to try this demo… Darkest Days sounds like an interesting game….. Second, Destructoid has reviewed the demo of Darkest of Days demo: “ Darkest of Days has been on my radar for quite some time now, albeit with some reservations. Any game that could reasonably be described as ‘Quantum Leap with assault […]

The Jedi were the guardians of Peace & Justice for how long?

Darth Mojo has decided to give us his view of “The Old Republic” Star Wars MMRPG and he’s review is fantastic…. I think he’s hit it right on the nose here…. new star wars trailer released, fans go apeshit « Darth Mojo: “They  were the guardians of peace and justice for thousands of years?  It’s hard to […]