Steve Ballmer, out of touch with reality.

I know that I shouldn’t allow this to annoy the heck out of me, but according to several sources (The Register, All Things Digital, & Steve Ballmer has done it again… According to Mr. Ballmer, since the iPhone uses a “expensive” capacitive touch screen, it’s too expensive. Capacitive touch screens are still relatively new […]

Big Evernote for Mac Update

Evernote has just released a update to the Macintosh version of Evernote. I can’t recommend Evernote enough! I have it syncing between my work, & home computer, and even the iPhone & ipod Touches…. I keep most of the day to day information I need for work, home, and even recreation on Evernote! Although the […]

What can’t the iphone do?

An anonymous reader writes to tell us that just announced new compatibility with the Safari web browser on Apple’s iPhone, giving you new tools to immediately contest a parking ticket. The site is so confident in their service that if all steps are followed and the ticket is still not dismissed they will pay […]