Apple indicates iTunes LP charges are fiction.

Brian McKinney, who runs Chicago’s Chocolate Lab Records, claimed at the weekend that iTunes charges a $10,000 production fee for iTunes LP, a new digital format that pairs additional content such as lyrics and videos with album downloads. In a follow up email, Mckinney adds, “I should note that it is currently possible to design an […]

A Home That Heats and Cools Itself

Let’s all go back and do the Time Warp…. While cleaning out my email store, I found and recalled this article by David Pogue… A Home That Heats and Cools Itself Which discusses eco-friendly, and very literally green housing with relatively high tech designed log homes…. The grand prize ($25,000) went to something called the […]

The Upside Down Mac [Featured Workspace]

Lifehacker reader Kurt emailed in a fantastic little kitchen setup. Kurt had an iMac G5 on hand, and a great idea for turning a desk in his kitchen into a workspace. The design is extremely simple thanks to the all-in-one design of the iMac. (View the rest of the article at The Upside Down Mac […]

How to wake and leave in 5 mins

I won’t even attempt to take credit for this one… From, How to wake and leave in 5 mins. For those who take too long getting ready to get out the door. I usually give myself plenty of time to get out the door but give myself only just enough time to get to […]

Fix apparently-corrupted PDF attachments in Mail

If you are having odd issues with a mail message attachments, before you start tearing the system apart, try rebuilding the mailbox.  Occassionally, I will receive a call complaining that the user can not open a particular PDF with Preview, Acrobat Reader, or quick look.  Yet, the message when forwarded somewhere else opens fine, the […]


A recent wave of admiration for new 3D-flavoured CAPTCHAs got me thinking about CAPTCHAs. The whole model just doesn’t hold up to technological or economic scrutiny. CAPTCHAs are doomed, because of three important “CAPTCHA gotchas”. The CAPTCHA idea sounds simple: prevent bots from massively abusing a website (e.g. to get many email or social network […]

Get Satisfaction, Or Else…

Get Satisfaction, from the content I see on their site is certainly crossing the line with their business model. Instead of ranting myself, I’ll borrow a few rants from 37signals…. The entire dissection of Get Satisfaction is here. But case in point: * Get Satisfaction is misrepresenting themselves as an official support site. And virtually […]

Customer Service 101 Rant

Gosh darn it… Customer Service is one of the most important things for businesses… It doesn’t mean the customer is always right, but it does mean that you try to solve the customers issues… Quite a few months ago, I was going around in circles with customer support representatives for a certain tax company, and […]