Tricorders, here we come!

I know I don’t have a use for this, but I think this is cool, and I still want one… The RDTX pro empowers you to detect radiation levels with your iPod or iPhone so that you can take control of your well-being. Solid-state design ensures consistently accurate gamma radiation detection. It requires no calibration and is […]

Registry Repair Toolkit (…Hmrph.

Funny how Windows Registry errors can be caused by a Macintosh software package….  I was doing a google search for information on a macintosh product, and funny how their site reports: What is Mac2TiVo (Mac).exe error? Mac2TiVo (Mac).exe error is one of the most common system errors that many PC users will come across when […]

Worst gadget ever? Ars reviews a $99 Android tablet

It really says something when some of your customers ask the Internet whether they got the right thing when they received your product, or whether it got switched out with some joke Chinese knockoff that’s not really supposed to work. The Maylong M-150 TabletPC is an Android-based device sold by Walgreens for a mere $99 […]

Insteon devices are internally fused? (No, they are not!)

Myth: I have found that most, and possibly all*, Insteon “Bricks” are fused internally. The Truth: This is not true. In fact, most INSTEON products are not internally fused. The ApplianceLinc, PowerLinc Modems, and PowerLinc Controllers contain no fuses. There are also no designed-in fusible links within the components or circuit board(s).  (Fusible links, means […]

One Step Forward? One Back? Site performance

Over the last couple of months, I have been dealing with some oddities that would go away and them re-appear on the web site… Several times, I have “started virtually from scratch” with this configuration or that configuration…  And I think, and hope, that I have finally solved the problems for now… The Apache (web […]