Watch “Schizofredric,” the weirdest scifi romantic comedy

Take a Fredric, and throw in a lack of ego, drive and you have Schizofredric.Schizofredric is a short film from the UK about a guy whose life – and space opera novel – are going nowhere fast. Until he gets a little “trans dimensional” therapy that he orders from a strange self-help company online. If […]

M. Night Shyamalan Finally Made A Comedy [Movie Review]

You giggled at The Happening. You snorted at The Village. But now, for the first time ever, former indie auteur M. Night Shyamalan has set out to make a gonzo comedy on purpose, with The Last Airbender. Spoilers ahead! IO9 is trashing The Last Airbender movie…  If it’s half as bad as IO9 states, then […]

Sci Fi Channel to become Syfy: Thank the lawyers?

And the SciFi Network continues it’s slow but fatal slide down the hill… According to CNet… Sci Fi Channel to become Syfy: Thank the lawyers?: “In perhaps the most ill-advised branding move since New Coke, the network’s basic-cable Sci Fi Channel will be renamed the phonetically similar Syfy on July 7.” SciFi, Z Rank monster […]

‘MacGyver: The Movie’ in the Making!

Oh my Gosh…. Hollywood is really out to destroy all the old favorites of my generation… Several different outlets (Sci Fi Wire, Just Jared, JoBlo’s Movie Emporium News) are reporting that there is a new MacGyver Movie in the works… I can’t help stating that if the plans are anything like the dozens of remakes […]