Fixing VLC freezes with Subtitling

It seems the version of X11 that ships with Snow Leopard causes some problems with VLC when it comes to videos with embedded subtitles. In my case, whenever I tried to open an MKV file that contained subtitles, VLC would get stuck while loading the video and never actually play it. If I tried to quit […]

Why It’s Taken 10 Years from Carbon to Snow Leopard

I have been going through my archives, and re-discovered the Cult of Mac’s article on Why It’s Taken 10 Years from Carbon to Snow Leopard. Here’s my thoughts, and a link to the article… First, the first release of Mac OS X, was actually Mac OS X Server 1.0, on October 27, 2000.  Each version […]

10.6: Disable and enable Rosetta via Terminal

If you have already installed Rosetta on your Intel Mac in Snow Leopard, you may want to disable it, so as to prevent the system from running PowerPC apps without informing you that they are non-native to your system’s architecture. The reason for disabling Rosetta is not so much to save space (as it’s only […]

Set Screen Sharing image quality via Terminal

Apple removed the ability to select the graphics setting for the built-in 10.5x Remote Desktop application…. But, this command: defaults write controlObserveQuality n …changes the quality of the connection’s display, based on the value of n: 1 = black and white 2 = grayscale 3 = 8-bit color 4 = 16-bit color 5 = […]

SCSITaskUserClient – Invalid Arguments? I’m not arguing here…

Have you seen these messages in your console log? 10/5/09 9:04:37 PM kernel SCSITaskUserClient – Invalid arguments: scatterGatherEntries = 1, requestedTransferCount 0, transfer direction is 0 10/5/09 9:04:38 PM kernel SCSITaskUserClient – Invalid arguments: scatterGatherEntries = 1, requestedTransferCount = 0, transfer direction is 0 10/5/09 9:04:39 PM kernel SCSITaskUserClient – Invalid arguments: scatterGatherEntries = 1, […]

VMware: Team Fusion: VMware Fusion 2.0.6 Update Now Available

VMware Fusion 2.0.6 Update Now Available VMware Fusion 2.0.6 is a free update for all VMware Fusion 1.x and VMware Fusion 2.x users. You can download the bits here. VMware Fusion 2.0.6 fixes multiple issues when running VMware Fusion 2.0.x on Mac OS X Snow Leopard (32-bit kernel mode), including: Mouse losing focus on Snow […]

Screen Sharing gives a Black Screen?

Ever since I upgraded to Snow Leopard, one small issue has been bothering me.  Screen Sharing to our Video system would give me a black screen, but only from Nerv.  The other computers could screen share to it fine, only Nerv has had this issue. I have found some references to this in 10.5.5, and […]