(Unofficial) Google Gears for Snow Leopard

The author of MailPlane has patched Google Gears, to bypass the OS check…  While this may not work for everything…  It may allow your Google Gears based software to work under Snow Leopard… Download Google Gears for Snow Leopard .

The TCO & Hazards of an Hackintosh

I just finished dealing with a thread somewhere else, where the dialog went something like this: Q> Why isn’t this driver for this device working on Snow Leopard? A> It’s working for us, what type of Macintosh is it? Q> It’s not a Macintosh, it’s a PC A> A PC?  You mean it’s not an […]

Safari Plug-ins freezing under Snow Leopard?

Folks, I ran into a odd issue on Friday, which I was finally able to resolve today….  With Safari v4.03 and Snow Leopard v10.6.1, I was having Safari lockups with any Flash content…. I ran the 10.6.1 updater, rebooted, and then discovered the issue.  Here’s the steps I took to try to resolve this issue… […]

New Sound Input Controls

Typically with Mac OS X you have the volume control slider in the menu bar, and then if you want to make any other changes you would have to open System Preferences -> Sound and then make your changes…. I presume this is new in Snow Leopard, since I have not seen this documented previously, and […]

MenuMeters 1.4b1

Another piece of the puzzle is almost done… Raging Menance Software has released a Snow Leopard ready beta of MenuMeters. I have missed having my network throughput & process status in the menu bar. Activity monitor is a good temporary replacement, but it’s no MenuMeter replacement…. Plus did I mention, MenuMeters is free? http://www.ragingmenace.com/software/menumeters/

VMWare v2.05 & Snow Leopard

I have scientifically studied this yet…  After all, I haven’t even installed Bootcamp v3 drivers yet…  But it appears that VMWare boots my bootcamp partition significantly faster under Snow Leopard, then under Leopard…  We’re talking a 2-4 times speed up… It would normally take 3-7 minutes for VMWare to boot my bootcamp partition and return […]