Let’s Ban the TV!! Isn’t the life we save worth it?

Well, okay, I’m being snarky on this one… But the GeekDad’s touch on a important issue today… Our current obsession with thin has caused some problems with respect to safety. The most current published stats are from 2007, but during the 1990 to 2007 time frame -a period that marks the transition from bulky CRTs […]

Boot Camp Software Update 3.1 for Windows 32 bit

Apple has finally released Boot Camp v3.1 for Windows 32 & Windows 64 bit…. This update adds support for Microsoft Windows 7 (Home Premium, Professional, and Ultimate), addresses issues with the Apple trackpad, turns off the red digital audio port LED on laptop computers when it is not being used, and supports the Apple wireless keyboard and Apple Magic mouse. This update […]

What’s next, fear of fire?

Mankind makes tools, that is what helps to seperate us from the animals, and other beasts of burden…  Or at least that is what we tell ourselves… But, has it become that we are so used to new inventions and devices that we are afraid of making our own?  Or that someone that is an […]

Here’s to the crazy ones…

Ars Technica’s John Siracusa is having flashbacks…  He is reviewing and commenting on his 10 years of Apple Mac OS X reviews… The latter half of the 1990s was a dark time for the company then known as Apple Computer, Inc. Windows 95 had dashed any remaining hopes of mass-market desktop dominance for Apple. The big […]

Why is a MobSyncing Me? And what should I do?

Seriously, have you wondered what the mobsyc.exe process is in Windows?  It is a process that assists with the Microsoft Sync Center & the Offline Files feature.  Typically it is used when you have a Windows Mobile Phone, a SL Server, or have Internet Explorer set to synchronize web pages for viewing offline. It is […]

Dragon Age: Origins expansion Awakening announced

‘Dragon Age: Origins — Awakening,’ is a real thing. This morning, EA and BioWare announced the expansion, confirming several details leaked days prior, thanks to an odd European retailer listing. The expansion appears to take place after the events in the core game, tasking users with rebuilding the devastated Grey Warden ranks in a place […]

Oz bank thinks it’s 2016

According to the Register: A new year bug has scuppered card transactions at thousands of Australian shops for four days so far, because systems at the Bank of Queensland say it is now 2016. The glitch has meant most debit cards have effectively expired. In the ensuing chaos, shops served by Bank of Queensland have […]

The end of Time, Part 2

I am not going to say anything quite yet, since BBC America hasn’t shown the special yet… But…  Part 2 certainly redeemed itself quite a bit.  Yes, there are some rough edges…  But it was a good send off for David Tennant, and an interesting welcome to Matt Smith’s Doctor. I eagerly await Mr. Smith’s […]