First Look: VMware Fusion 3

I am eagerly awaiting my copy of Fusion 3….. I have used both Parallels and Fusion both… And while I prefer Parallels slightly, Parallels (for some reason), will not access my Boot Camp drive, without requiring me to constantly reconfigure the virtual machine…. So I switched to Fusion, and I’m pretty darn happy… Here’s to […]

Hard drive making a weird noise

My Samsung hard drive is making some weird noises. Sometimes, the noise stops but then starts again within a few minutes. It’s warranty is out of date, so I am worried that the noise may indicate an imminent failure. First,….. Backup your data. Now. Please, Back it up… Back up your data if you even […]

Apple clarifies iPhone anti-phishing feature

Though the recent iPhone 3.1 update added support for protecting against phishing sites, there were concerns that it didn’t catch any. But, as it turns out, that’s mainly because activating the feature requires a few more steps that most users didn’t know about. The Anti-phishing database is initially downloaded only when three conditions are met: […]

A Home That Heats and Cools Itself

Let’s all go back and do the Time Warp…. While cleaning out my email store, I found and recalled this article by David Pogue… A Home That Heats and Cools Itself Which discusses eco-friendly, and very literally green housing with relatively high tech designed log homes…. The grand prize ($25,000) went to something called the […]

Need to find out the details of an application? Check here…

Folks, There’s a MOSX command line tool, that many people are unaware of called “file”.  This application will give you information about what architectures applications will run on, and if it’s not an application, it will attempt to identify what the file is. For example: dhcp105-53:~ Ben$ file test.pdf test.pdf: PDF document, version 1.3 dhcp105-53:~ […]

A Wiki For Cable and Connector Pin-Outs

Created with the same MediaWiki software that was developed for the Wikipedia project, is a wiki that allows users to get and share information about hardware interfaces, including pinouts of ports, expansion slots, and other connectors of computers and different electronic devices (i.e. cellular phones, GPS, PDA, game consoles, etc.). All text is available […]

Devices that are On! (v1.30)

Folks, Here’s a new version of the Devices that are On! software, I have eliminated X10 Remote buttons, RemoteLincs, and Controlinc’s from the listing…. That should cut down on the number of “Unknowns” that were previously being listed… [download id=”7633″]