Breathing Noblity

Xenon is the heaviest non-radioactive noble gas and is used for ion thrusters, general anesthetic, and various types of lighting sources. These chemistry guys take a more inquisitive, educational, and refined approach to getting just a teensy bit high. Warning: don’t try this at home. link: The Presurfer: Breathing Xenon

Debt Payment in Pennies

An online discussion regarding the Pirate Bay, led me down this road, and I thought I would share… Claim:   U.S. law specifies that merchants do not have to accept more than 100 pennies in payment. Status:   False. Origins:   This is one of the pieces of misinformation that makes me wish web sites […]

Retrospect 8 Beta 2 console log?

Folks, What do you think this means? 4/30/09 2:12:09 PM com.retrospect.RetroEngine[4723] #3> DLLoadLib: no id resource in “/Library/Application Support/Retrospect/RetrospectEngine.bundle/Contents/MacOS/libretrores.dylib”, skipDyloCheck 0x1 4/30/09 2:12:09 PM com.retrospect.RetroEngine[4723] #2> Command line is /Library/Application Support/Retrospect/RetrospectEngine.bundle/Contents/MacOS/RetroEngine 4/30/09 2:12:10 PM com.retrospect.RetroEngine[4723] #1> 4/30/09 2:12:10 PM com.retrospect.RetroEngine[4723] This Retrospect Beta software has expired. 4/30/09 2:12:10 PM com.retrospect.RetroEngine[4723] For information, please contact: 4/30/09 […]

The Left Hand Knows Not What The Right Hand is Doing

Last weeks’ top Antarctic AGW story was : Antarctic ice melting faster than expected due to CO2, of course. This week the #1 story is : Antarctic ice spreading but the increase in size is due to “stratospheric ozone depletion” which is of course also caused by man-made gases. So Antarctic ice is disappearing faster […]

Fix apparently-corrupted PDF attachments in Mail

If you are having odd issues with a mail message attachments, before you start tearing the system apart, try rebuilding the mailbox.  Occassionally, I will receive a call complaining that the user can not open a particular PDF with Preview, Acrobat Reader, or quick look.  Yet, the message when forwarded somewhere else opens fine, the […]

Pirate Bay defendants found guilty | Digital Media – CNET News

Pirate Bay defendants found guilty | Digital Media – CNET News: ” A Swedish court on Friday found the four defendants in the high-profile Pirate Bay case guilty, sentencing them to a year in jail. The defendants were also ordered to pay $3,6 million in damages to copyright holders, among them several American media giants. […]

DivX 7 video software released for Mac

DivX 7 video software released for Mac | Video | Macworld: “DivX 7 video software released for Mac by Peter Cohen, DivX has announced the release of DivX 7 for Mac, the latest major version of its video encoding software. The decoder is free — a Pro version with encoding tools is also available […]