What can’t the iphone do?

An anonymous reader writes to tell us that Parkingticket.com just announced new compatibility with the Safari web browser on Apple’s iPhone, giving you new tools to immediately contest a parking ticket. The site is so confident in their service that if all steps are followed and the ticket is still not dismissed they will pay […]

Little Towns Consumed By Lava Flows and Crumbling Glaciers

(Via io9.) Little Towns Consumed By Lava Flows and Crumbling Glaciers [Concept Art]: ” Apocalypse has come to the village of Geldern in Germany. A street has crumbled to reveal steaming waters under lava-ridden rock. The artist who created this mega-illusion has destroyed other towns, too. His name is Edgar Müller, and he’s won so […]

PyWebDAV 0.6

Here’s a Python based WebDAV server, that is written in python. According to the Sourceforge page it is primarily aimed at *Nixes… But I suspect that it can be used with some minor modifications on Windows… Certainly I expect no modification for a MOSX based system. PyWebDAV 0.6: “WebDAV server written in python” (Via Cheese […]